Reflect Positivity
Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.
Ernest Holmes
The fine folks at HowStuffWorks have a in-deptch article article about the history of mirrors . From simple mirrors made around 600 B.C. from polished obsidian to the Renaissance when the process to make low-temperature reflective metallic backing was invented, humans have played around with the law of reflection even before it was a science concept. Be careful with mirrors around babies if you’re superstitious, though, because mirrors can steal the soul and it can also be “dangerous for babies, whose souls are undeveloped, to look into mirrors before their first birthday or they will become stutterers.”
About the author
Ernest Holmes (January 21, 1887 – April 7, 1960) was an American New Thought writer, teacher, and leader. He was the founder of a spiritual movement known as Religious Science, part of the greater New Thought movement, whose spiritual philosophy is known as “The Science of Mind.” He was the author of The Science of Mind and numerous other metaphysical books, and the founder of Science of Mind magazine, in continuous publication since 1927. His books remain in print, and the principles he taught as “Science of Mind” have inspired and influenced many generations of metaphysical students and teachers. Holmes had previously studied another New Thought teaching, Divine Science, and was an ordained Divine Science Minister. His influence beyond New Thought can be seen in the self-help movement.