I'm Happy to Report That My Inner Child Is Still Ageless.
I’m happy to report that my inner child is still ageless.
James Broughton
Am I the only one who looks in the mirror and sees a child looking back at them through eyes on a face that’s grown old? No. I’m sure a lot of us have that feeling. I need to embrace it more. There’s a quote by Victor Hugo, “laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” When I look in the mirror and see the twinkle of young me in my eyes, I should remember to force a smile and even a fake laugh because, even if forced, it can elevate my mood . That’s a pretty simple thing to try. Now I just have to remember to do it.
About the author
James Broughton (November 10, 1913 – May 17, 1999) was an American poet and poetic filmmaker. He was part of the San Francisco Renaissance, a precursor to the Beat poets. He was an early bard of the Radical Faeries, as well as a member of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, serving the community as Sister Sermonetta.