Be Happy for This Moment.
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
Omar Khayyam
This one’s tough. Stuck curled up in bed with a thousand pound depression gorilla sitting on your chest? Quotes like this don’t probably make it worse. I’m thankful I don’t battle with sever depression, and to any one who does, keep fighting. Which, I think, is one takeaway from this quote - this moment is my life and, whether I’m having the highest high or the lowest low or somewhere in between, this moment is my life. I’m alive. I experience. I feel.If I’m happy in a moment, I should savor it. If I’m sad in a moment, maybe I should savor that, too? Isn’t that what the philosophers say to do, to savor the moments, whether good or bad? Something like that. It’s tough to do.
About the author
Omar Kyayyam (18 May 1048 – 4 December 1131) was a Persian polymath, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and poet. He was born in Neyshabur, in northeastern Persia, and was contemporary with the rule of the Seljuks around the time of the First Crusade. There are six philosophical papers believed to have been written by Khayyam. One of them, On existence (Fi’l-wujūd), was written originally in Persian and deals with the subject of existence and its relationship to universals. Another paper, titled The necessity of contradiction in the world, determinism and subsistence (Darurat al-tadād fi’l-‘ālam wa’l-jabr wa’l-baqā’), is written in Arabic and deals with free will and determinism.