The Starry Path
Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.
Omar N. Bradley
Search for “the size of cruise ships” and you’ll get a sizable list of websites with “cruise” in their name, obviously. So I chose the FodorsTravel one for this tidbit partly because it stood out and, mainly, because its “Cruise Ships by Size ” article is short, isn’t filled with travel spam, and has an easy-to-digest infographic. People wise, if you’re planning a cruise and want to hang out with 1800-4500 people, pick a large ship. 400-1700 people, a midsize ship. And for those who want an intimate retreat with only 70-350 other passengers, pick a small ship.
About the author
Omar N. Bradley (February 12, 1893 – April 8, 1981) was a senior officer of the United States Army during and after World War II, rising to the rank of General of the Army. He was the first chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and oversaw the U.S. military’s policy-making in the Korean War.