Make It Yours
From my tribe I take nothing, I am the maker of my own fortune.
“Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral (“Anecdote on Lowering the work ethic”) is a short story by Heinrich Böll about an encounter between an enterprising tourist and a small fisherman, in which the tourist suggests how the fisherman can improve his life.” That’s the first line from the Wikipedia article about the original parable of the fisherman and businessman. There are many versions, such as this one from Storien . It’s a quick read parable about being content that fits nicely with a quote about making your own fortune.
About the author
Tecumseh (c. 1768 – October 5, 1813) was a Shawnee chief and warrior who promoted resistance to the expansion of the United States onto Native American lands. A persuasive orator, Tecumseh traveled widely, forming a Native American confederacy and promoting intertribal unity. Even though his efforts to unite Native Americans ended with his death in the War of 1812, he became an iconic folk hero in American, Indigenous, and Canadian popular history.